Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week 13 Still Catching up...with another day in Sioux Falls

A few shots at the falls and around town. I also started back up my Ghost series with some shots of my friend Adrian posing as a homeless person.


  1. hey! I know that "homeless" dude! :)

    LOVE the photo of the falls. If I had any suggestions at all, it would be to find a way to counter some of the "sepia" effect that has happened to it in the post processing, and make the white of the water "pop" just a bit more. If that makes sense.

    Kinda digging the comp on the window one as well.

  2. Thanks Alex! I'll try to heal some of the Sepia, Good suggestion. Hope all is well with you and yours.

  3. I really like the side of the building shots. They are all very nice!
